East Coast Meets West Coast Nov 10 Written By It's the oldest beef around, east coast vs west coast. But here, it's being duked out on a wall with paint. And there are circus animals and a clown on stilts, how fabulous! This is a wall in the San Antonio neighborhood in East Oakland. #bayarea#BeautifulOakland#eastbay#eastmeetswest#graffiti#international#mural#oakland#oaklandpride#oaklandstreetart#publicart#SanAntonio#streetart#wall
East Coast Meets West Coast Nov 10 Written By It's the oldest beef around, east coast vs west coast. But here, it's being duked out on a wall with paint. And there are circus animals and a clown on stilts, how fabulous! This is a wall in the San Antonio neighborhood in East Oakland. #bayarea#BeautifulOakland#eastbay#eastmeetswest#graffiti#international#mural#oakland#oaklandpride#oaklandstreetart#publicart#SanAntonio#streetart#wall