Lion Hearted Mar 16 Written By Street art from the alley next to a bar in Chinatown Oakland. A regal lion, a pac man ghost by @math_dis, and a funny looking guy. All mixed into the beer kegs. #alley#BeautifulOakland#beer#beerkeg#ChinatownOakland#FinerPointsOakland#lion#math_dis#oaklandpride#pacman
Lion Hearted Mar 16 Written By Street art from the alley next to a bar in Chinatown Oakland. A regal lion, a pac man ghost by @math_dis, and a funny looking guy. All mixed into the beer kegs. #alley#BeautifulOakland#beer#beerkeg#ChinatownOakland#FinerPointsOakland#lion#math_dis#oaklandpride#pacman