Rainbow of Heros
For a long time this wall was painted with rainbow spaces which were totally empty. Rainbow was nice, but it looked like a work in progress. Now you can see the finished work, a rainbow of lgbtq heroes of color. Some are local, like Jose Sarria and Harvey Milk, and some aren't, but are just really great, like Audre Lorde, Silvia Rivera, and Marcia Johnson. Bayard Ruston too. I really like seeing Audre Lorde's lovely face regularly, although I do wish that the two trans woman on the mural, Silvia Rivera and Marcia Johnson were painted more close to life, as all the others are. There are plenty of pictures of them, and to not see accurate paintings of them singles then out as different.
But it's a great project, overall. Wish I knew the artists, share if you know their names.
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