Talking Heads Apr 29 Written By Heads are a popular subject in street art, the green head is by #graffitiagainstthesystem in Berkeley, and the other is just nice, don't know the artist. It's on San Pablo Ave. #Berkeley#FinerPointsOakland#gats#graffiti#graffitiagainstthesystem#head#oakland#ptv#punksthugsandvandals#sanpablo#skull#streetartberkeley#streetartoakland
Talking Heads Apr 29 Written By Heads are a popular subject in street art, the green head is by #graffitiagainstthesystem in Berkeley, and the other is just nice, don't know the artist. It's on San Pablo Ave. #Berkeley#FinerPointsOakland#gats#graffiti#graffitiagainstthesystem#head#oakland#ptv#punksthugsandvandals#sanpablo#skull#streetartberkeley#streetartoakland