There's Dragons, and then there's Dragons Jun 25 Written By Two very different styles of dragons on the wall by the 580 freeway in Chinatown Oakland. Typical golden dragonschool dragon, and a more spikey punk pink dragon by E3gor, a friend of dragonschool. #ChinatownOakland#Dragon#DragonSchool#dragonschool99#FinerPointsOakland#golden#mural#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland
There's Dragons, and then there's Dragons Jun 25 Written By Two very different styles of dragons on the wall by the 580 freeway in Chinatown Oakland. Typical golden dragonschool dragon, and a more spikey punk pink dragon by E3gor, a friend of dragonschool. #ChinatownOakland#Dragon#DragonSchool#dragonschool99#FinerPointsOakland#golden#mural#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland