Oscar the Grouch Aug 12 Written By Here he is, popping up when you didn't expect him in golden gate neighborhood in west Berkeley. He's kinda charming though, isn't he, in his grouchy way. The house with a tree painted on it is next door. #alarmclock#Berkeley#fenceart#FinerPointsOakland#houseart#mural#oscarthegrouch#sesamestreet#streetart#streetartberkeley#streetartphotography#trashcan#tree#westberkeley
Oscar the Grouch Aug 12 Written By Here he is, popping up when you didn't expect him in golden gate neighborhood in west Berkeley. He's kinda charming though, isn't he, in his grouchy way. The house with a tree painted on it is next door. #alarmclock#Berkeley#fenceart#FinerPointsOakland#houseart#mural#oscarthegrouch#sesamestreet#streetart#streetartberkeley#streetartphotography#trashcan#tree#westberkeley