Lower Telegraph Sep 30 Written By These pieces are both in lower Telegraph Ave area, it might almost be called uptown, but it's not fancy anymore. The toothy grin is by graffiti against the system, gats, and I don't know the bird author. #bird#FinerPointsOakland#gats#graffitiagainstthesystem#ptv#punksthugsandvandals#streetart#streetartoakland#Telegraph#telegraphave
Lower Telegraph Sep 30 Written By These pieces are both in lower Telegraph Ave area, it might almost be called uptown, but it's not fancy anymore. The toothy grin is by graffiti against the system, gats, and I don't know the bird author. #bird#FinerPointsOakland#gats#graffitiagainstthesystem#ptv#punksthugsandvandals#streetart#streetartoakland#Telegraph#telegraphave