The Reflection of Your Humanity Nov 15 Written By A very apt quote for the current moment, 'I am human through the reflelection of your humanity back at me.' I'm going to keep it in mind. This is in uptown Oakland and it's by Ricky Lee Gordon. #2016#FinerPointsOakland#flower#humanity#mural#myhumanity#oakland#oaklandstreetart#quote#reflection#rickyleegordon#streetartoakland#uourhumanity#uptownoakland
The Reflection of Your Humanity Nov 15 Written By A very apt quote for the current moment, 'I am human through the reflelection of your humanity back at me.' I'm going to keep it in mind. This is in uptown Oakland and it's by Ricky Lee Gordon. #2016#FinerPointsOakland#flower#humanity#mural#myhumanity#oakland#oaklandstreetart#quote#reflection#rickyleegordon#streetartoakland#uourhumanity#uptownoakland