Bunnies and Kitties Apr 17 Written By Some rabbit and cat people on wheat paste on a trash can in uptown Oakland. Great gory ones with their heads coming off and some riding a pony person. I think they're by sludgepony4prez. #bunnies#cats#entrails#FinerPointsOakland#garbadgecanart#gore#horse#kitties#oakland#rabbits#riding#streetart#streetartoakland#trashcanart#uptownoakland#wheatpaste
Bunnies and Kitties Apr 17 Written By Some rabbit and cat people on wheat paste on a trash can in uptown Oakland. Great gory ones with their heads coming off and some riding a pony person. I think they're by sludgepony4prez. #bunnies#cats#entrails#FinerPointsOakland#garbadgecanart#gore#horse#kitties#oakland#rabbits#riding#streetart#streetartoakland#trashcanart#uptownoakland#wheatpaste