Half and Half Apr 26 Written By Really great street art from under the bridge, sorry about the shadows, bit it does give it a different look. The biggest images are by Eddie Cola with a go big or go home addition over the top. #bridge#eastOakland#eddiecolla#face#FinerPointsOakland#flower#gobigorgohome#graffiti#graffitioakland#mask#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#underpass
Half and Half Apr 26 Written By Really great street art from under the bridge, sorry about the shadows, bit it does give it a different look. The biggest images are by Eddie Cola with a go big or go home addition over the top. #bridge#eastOakland#eddiecolla#face#FinerPointsOakland#flower#gobigorgohome#graffiti#graffitioakland#mask#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#underpass