Rise Up Apr 16 Written By Fists of fury is a part of the Bay Area Mural Festival 2016. It's by Teo Doro and is in South Berkeley. Really powerful I think. #artist#bamfest#bayareamuralfestival#Berkeley#FinerPointsOakland#fist#hand#jewelry#mural#paintbrush#raisedfist#ring#riseup#southberkeley#streetartberkeley#TeoDoro#wrist
Rise Up Apr 16 Written By Fists of fury is a part of the Bay Area Mural Festival 2016. It's by Teo Doro and is in South Berkeley. Really powerful I think. #artist#bamfest#bayareamuralfestival#Berkeley#FinerPointsOakland#fist#hand#jewelry#mural#paintbrush#raisedfist#ring#riseup#southberkeley#streetartberkeley#TeoDoro#wrist