Dragon Dragon on the Wall May 12 Written By Who's the fairest dragon of all? With so many to choose from, it really is hard to decide! Gorgeous dragon school dragons, now in full color. #Chinatown#ChinatownOakland#clouds#color#Dragon#DragonSchool#dragonschool99#FinerPointsOakland#mural#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#waterlilly
Dragon Dragon on the Wall May 12 Written By Who's the fairest dragon of all? With so many to choose from, it really is hard to decide! Gorgeous dragon school dragons, now in full color. #Chinatown#ChinatownOakland#clouds#color#Dragon#DragonSchool#dragonschool99#FinerPointsOakland#mural#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#waterlilly