Golden Crown Jul 10 Written By #missymtoyz is the artist who painted this gold and black and white woman on Sacramento St. And #hueman_ did a kind of ice cream like swirl next to it. These are fanciful and nice. I especially like the delicate woman. #blackandwhite#FinerPointsOakland#hueman_#icecream#kisses#lady#missymtoyz#mural#oakland#Sacramentost#streetart#streetartoakland
Golden Crown Jul 10 Written By #missymtoyz is the artist who painted this gold and black and white woman on Sacramento St. And #hueman_ did a kind of ice cream like swirl next to it. These are fanciful and nice. I especially like the delicate woman. #blackandwhite#FinerPointsOakland#hueman_#icecream#kisses#lady#missymtoyz#mural#oakland#Sacramentost#streetart#streetartoakland