This is all a Set Up Aug 14 Written By Huey P Freeman tells it like it is in graffiti form. The school to prison pipeline for young men of color is a set up to institutionalize them and keep them away from society. It's gotta end, and to do that, we have a lot of systems to dismantle. #Alan#Alex#downtownoakland#FinerPointsOakland#graffiti#graffitioakland#hueypfreeman#oakland#oscar#prison#school#schooltoprisonpipeline#streetart#thisisallasetup#trayvon
This is all a Set Up Aug 14 Written By Huey P Freeman tells it like it is in graffiti form. The school to prison pipeline for young men of color is a set up to institutionalize them and keep them away from society. It's gotta end, and to do that, we have a lot of systems to dismantle. #Alan#Alex#downtownoakland#FinerPointsOakland#graffiti#graffitioakland#hueypfreeman#oakland#oscar#prison#school#schooltoprisonpipeline#streetart#thisisallasetup#trayvon