Up North Sep 13 Written By when i got to Chiang Nai, in northern Thailand, I found the motherload of graffiti and street art. Here are some cool pieces from Bkkgraff, jone 500, Chris bar, poy D1, annatar. #baseballcap#bkkgraff#braids#ChiangMai#FinerPointsOakland#graffiti#northernthailand#skull#streetart#streetartchiangmai#streetartthailand#tags#thailand
Up North Sep 13 Written By when i got to Chiang Nai, in northern Thailand, I found the motherload of graffiti and street art. Here are some cool pieces from Bkkgraff, jone 500, Chris bar, poy D1, annatar. #baseballcap#bkkgraff#braids#ChiangMai#FinerPointsOakland#graffiti#northernthailand#skull#streetart#streetartchiangmai#streetartthailand#tags#thailand