Roots Run Deep Dec 7 Written By Roots Run Deep is the title of this mural by David Meggs. The wolf is a nod to Jack London and the mural is funded by Jack London Square. #bayarea#eastbay#face#FinerPointsOakland#houseofmeggs#jacklondonoakland#JackLondonSquare#mural#oakland#roots#rootsrundeep#streetart#streetartoakland#wolf
Roots Run Deep Dec 7 Written By Roots Run Deep is the title of this mural by David Meggs. The wolf is a nod to Jack London and the mural is funded by Jack London Square. #bayarea#eastbay#face#FinerPointsOakland#houseofmeggs#jacklondonoakland#JackLondonSquare#mural#oakland#roots#rootsrundeep#streetart#streetartoakland#wolf