Distant Eyes Jan 21 Written By I've been striving to get a nice clean shot of this mural that's on the front of a busy grocery store in Chinatown for ages. Finally did it! This is by bezgmm usa and they sleeping child is by El Prickapaone. #arteries#ChinatownOakland#elprickapaone#facesofoakland#FinerPointsOakland#girl#graffiti#graffitioakland#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#veins
Distant Eyes Jan 21 Written By I've been striving to get a nice clean shot of this mural that's on the front of a busy grocery store in Chinatown for ages. Finally did it! This is by bezgmm usa and they sleeping child is by El Prickapaone. #arteries#ChinatownOakland#elprickapaone#facesofoakland#FinerPointsOakland#girl#graffiti#graffitioakland#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#veins