Growing Readers Feb 10 Written By Trees and readers on the side of a school in the pill hill neighborhood in Oakland. Don't know where that is, it's just off telegraph ave at 30th, and then up the hill where all the doctors offices are located. #bayarea#book#branches#FinerPointsOakland#hill#house#leaves#mural#oakland#pillhilloakland#reader#roots#school#streetart#streetartoakland#tree
Growing Readers Feb 10 Written By Trees and readers on the side of a school in the pill hill neighborhood in Oakland. Don't know where that is, it's just off telegraph ave at 30th, and then up the hill where all the doctors offices are located. #bayarea#book#branches#FinerPointsOakland#hill#house#leaves#mural#oakland#pillhilloakland#reader#roots#school#streetart#streetartoakland#tree