Ice Cream Sun Mar 24 Written By Jake Watling came to temescal in 2011 and painted trees and ice cream trucks and all sorts of interesting things. Here they are in golden evening light. #2011#bayarea#California#cottencandy#FinerPointsOakland#icecream#icecreamtruck#JakeWatling#mural#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#sunset#temescal#temescaloakland#tree
Ice Cream Sun Mar 24 Written By Jake Watling came to temescal in 2011 and painted trees and ice cream trucks and all sorts of interesting things. Here they are in golden evening light. #2011#bayarea#California#cottencandy#FinerPointsOakland#icecream#icecreamtruck#JakeWatling#mural#oakland#streetart#streetartoakland#sunset#temescal#temescaloakland#tree