Grimace Apr 14 Written By I promised that the next post would be the rest of this brought mural, around the corner. Here it is, most is by All Cities Murals and the tags are from UTI. #allcitiesmurals#bayarea#California#carving#downtownoakland#FinerPointsOakland#gods#memorial#mural#oakland#restinpaint#spraycan#stone#streetart#streetartoakland#uti
Grimace Apr 14 Written By I promised that the next post would be the rest of this brought mural, around the corner. Here it is, most is by All Cities Murals and the tags are from UTI. #allcitiesmurals#bayarea#California#carving#downtownoakland#FinerPointsOakland#gods#memorial#mural#oakland#restinpaint#spraycan#stone#streetart#streetartoakland#uti