Soulful Eyes Apr 17 Written By This is one part of a really beautiful large building that's completely covered with street art. It was painted as a part of the Bay Area Mural Festival. Pancho Peskador worked on this part of the building. #bamfest#bayarea#bayareamuralfestival#California#deer#face#FinerPointsOakland#flowers#lion#mural#oakland#panchopeskador#streetart#streetartoakland
Soulful Eyes Apr 17 Written By This is one part of a really beautiful large building that's completely covered with street art. It was painted as a part of the Bay Area Mural Festival. Pancho Peskador worked on this part of the building. #bamfest#bayarea#bayareamuralfestival#California#deer#face#FinerPointsOakland#flowers#lion#mural#oakland#panchopeskador#streetart#streetartoakland