Cool Cats Aug 15 Written By Cats and chickens are an unusual subject for street art but this artist is great. It's cash atlas and the last few pics are from cache, fishe, and vyal. I saw several murals from this guy in my time in LA. #cachefishevyal#California#cashatlas#cats#chicken#FinerPointsOakland#guestcity#LA#losangeles#mural#rooster#socal#streetart#streetartLA#sunglasses
Cool Cats Aug 15 Written By Cats and chickens are an unusual subject for street art but this artist is great. It's cash atlas and the last few pics are from cache, fishe, and vyal. I saw several murals from this guy in my time in LA. #cachefishevyal#California#cashatlas#cats#chicken#FinerPointsOakland#guestcity#LA#losangeles#mural#rooster#socal#streetart#streetartLA#sunglasses