Panda II Feb 12 Written By Pandas and roosters that were painted for last year, year of the rooster. Sorry they're so late getting up on the blog. So much art out there! #bayarea#chick#chicken#ChinatownOakland#chinesenewyear#FinerPointsOakland#graffiti#hen#mural#oakland#panda#rooster#streetart#streetartoakland#tag#tagging
Panda II Feb 12 Written By Pandas and roosters that were painted for last year, year of the rooster. Sorry they're so late getting up on the blog. So much art out there! #bayarea#chick#chicken#ChinatownOakland#chinesenewyear#FinerPointsOakland#graffiti#hen#mural#oakland#panda#rooster#streetart#streetartoakland#tag#tagging