What a Lucky Cat Feb 18 Written By Just got back from sunny LA and here are a few finds in the arts district. These are by uti and are all along a building, spaced out by windows. #artsdistrictla#Dragon#FinerPointsOakland#guestcity#horse#horseman#LA#lastreetart#losangeles#luckycat#lunarnewyear#mural#streetart#streetartLA#uti
What a Lucky Cat Feb 18 Written By Just got back from sunny LA and here are a few finds in the arts district. These are by uti and are all along a building, spaced out by windows. #artsdistrictla#Dragon#FinerPointsOakland#guestcity#horse#horseman#LA#lastreetart#losangeles#luckycat#lunarnewyear#mural#streetart#streetartLA#uti